- Enloy Pure Natural Soap and Pineapple and Rose Healing Aroma
- Good for all Skin Type
- Weight 85~95g
- Baobab M&P Soap Base, Capsicum Annuum var. Cuneatum Paul Powder, Gardenia Jasminoides Powder, Vitamin E, 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (3%): Grapefruit, Lavender, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang
Rose in Heart Soap
- Good for all Skin Type
- Weight 83~88g
- Baobab M&P Soap Base, Capsicum Annuum var. Cuneatum Paul Powder, Gardenia Jasminoides Powder, Vitamin E, 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (3%): Mandarin Orange, Lavender, Frankincense, Teetree, Patchuli
- Returned items need to be in their original packaging and include a copy of the packing slip. You can return items with in 7 days after you received your order. Shipping charges are not refundable.
- Please email "contact@laromasoapbyk.com" to obtain a return authorization and receive further instructions.
- If we shipped the wrong item to you by mistake, please contact Customer Care; we will re-ship the correct item at no additional cost.
- Returned items are normally credited in the original form of payment.
- Returns usually take up to 40 days to process after they have reached us. We will notify you by email once we have processed your return.
반품 또는 교환
- 고객님의 변심에 의한 반품인 경우 상품 및 서비스를 공급 받은 날로부터 7일 이내 가능하며, 미 개봉 제품만 가능합니다.
- 고객센터(contact@aromasoapbyk.com)로 반품 접수를 받고 있으며, 지정 택배사를 이용하여 상품 회수 후 교환/반품 여부에 관한 안내가 이루어집니다.
- 고객변심으로 인한 반품 시 초도 택배 비용을 포함한 반품 택배 비용이 부과됩니다.
- 상품결함으로 인한 교환/반품의 경우 AromaSoapbyK에서 택배비용을 부담합니다.
- 반품 상품에 증정 제품이 있는 경우, 증정 제품도 함깨 반품하여야 반품이 진행됩니다
- 트러블로 인한 교환/반품을 원하시는 경우 고객센터(contact@aromasoapbyk.com)로 연락 바랍니다.
반품이 불가한 경우
- 고객님의 단순 변심으로 인한 교환/반품 신청이 상품을 수령한 날로부터 7일이 경과한 경우
- 고객님의 변심으로 인한 경우라도 상품을 이미 사용하여, 포장 등이 손상되었거나 제품이 파손되어 상품 가치가 상실되어 재판매가 불가능할 경우
- 상품 라벨 등을 분리, 제거, 훼손한 경우
Please be advised that some of our products do contain nut oils. In order to test for known or unknown allergies, we recommend always conducting a patch test when using any new product on yourself or a loved one. Please test the product first on a small area of skin before applying/using on entire body. If any allergic reaction, rash or skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Do not ingest products as they are for external use only (with exception of our lip products). Do not put products in or near eyes, nose or any other sensitive areas. Use caution in bathtubs or showers as products can leave areas such as tubs and showers slippery.
All of our products are handcrafted and created for each individual order, therefore, no two products will be exactly the same. Please allow for slight variations in color and appearance. Product photos shown on website may vary slightly from products ordered/delivered, i.e. colors, decorations, etc. We recommend that you use our products while fresh and fragrant.
All information, services and products purchased by or read by our customers/users agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless LUX SOAP from any kind of liability, loss, claim and expense which includes attorney fees related to your violation of this agreement. This disclaimer must be read before purchasing any of our products. Customers must use common sense when purchasing and using any of our products.
Please remember that due to the delicate nature of products are packed properly for transport, however, they can crack or break during transport (shipping). Although we do our best, certain things are beyond our control once they leave our facility. Soaps are still usable as their performance remains the same. Any and all items shipped from our company are still perfectly usable upon delivery. Products are non returnable, non refundable and non exchangeable so please select carefully. Please make certain that your shipping address provided is correct when ordering products. Packages sent to wrong address and returned may be subject to additional shipping fees. Packages marked as "Delivered" by the USPS and claimed not to be received are not the responsibility of LUX SOAP and must be addressed with your local post office.사용시 유의사항
- 상처가 있는 부위, 습진 및 피부염 등의 이상이 있는 부위에는 사용하지 말 것
- 사용 후에는 반드시 마개를 닫아 둘 것
- 유,소아의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관할 것
- 고온 내지 저온의 장소 및 직사광선이 닿는 곳에 보관하지 말 것
- 피부에 사용하는 화장품으로 식음용 하지 말 것
- 전성분 표기를 확인하여 본인의 알레르기 반응 성분을 확인 후 사용할 것
- 사용 용도 이외에 사용하지 말 것